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In keeping with Law 34/2002, of July 11, Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. informs the user that they are the owner of the website WWW.VALENCIA.CLAUSTROPHOBIA.COM. In keeping with what is established in Article 10 of the cited Law, CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. informs users of the following:

This website’s owner is CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L., with Tax ID number B98898109 and with their registered office at Plaza Portal Nuevo Nº8 46003, Valencia, included in the Commercial Register in Volume 10254, book 7536, sheet 38, section 8, page V175256. The company contact email is:

Users and responsibility regime

By browsing, accessing and using CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L.’s website constitutes the person as a user. As a result of browsing CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. website, the said user accepts all the conditions of use established herein, notwithstanding the application of the corresponding obligatory regulations applicable in each case.

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. website provides a broad range of information, services and data. The user accepts their personal responsibility for the correct use of this website. This responsibility includes:

· The veracity and legality of the information provided by the user in the formulas requested by CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. in order to access certain contents or services offered on the website.

· The use of information, services and data offered by CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. contrary to what is established in these terms and conditions, the law, morality, good manners and public order, or any other use that might result in the violation of third-party rights or affect the proper operation of the website.

Policy regarding links and exemption of liability

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. is not responsible for the content of any of the websites the user might access through the links included on the website, and in no case will they examine or exercise any type of control over the content of other websites. In addition, they cannot guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of websites pertaining to others that may be accessed via the links.

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. has taken all the necessary measures to avoid any sort of harm coming to the users of their website that may result from use of the same. Therefore, CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. is not responsible, under any circumstances, for the possible damage that the user might suffer as the result of their Internet use.


CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. reserves the right to make any amendments to the content of its website it deems appropriate, without prior notice. This includes the content of the website, its Terms and Conditions of Use, or the General Terms and Conditions of Contracting. Such changes may be made via their website in any way permissible by law, and shall be binding during the time in which they remain published on the website and until they are modified by subsequent amendments.

Online booking services

Certain contents of the website of CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. contain the possibility of booking online. The use of them will require the reading and mandatory acceptance of the general reservation conditions established for that purpose by CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L.

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. informs that to make the online reservation you will be redirected to the website.

Data Protection

In accordance with the provisions of the current legislation on Personal Data Protection, we hereby inform you that your data will be incorporated into the processing system owned by CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L., with Tax ID number B98898109 and its registered office at PLAZA PORTAL NUEVO Nº8 46003, VALENCIA in order to facilitate, attend to and meet the commitments established between the two parties. In keeping with applicable regulations, CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. informs users that their information will be kept during the necessary period in order to fulfil the aforementioned conditions.

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. informs you that we continue to process your personal data according to your continued consent.

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. also informs you that it will process the data in a lawful, honest, transparent, suitable, relevant, limited, accurate and updated manner. CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. therefore undertakes to take all reasonable measures to ensure that they will be deleted or rectified without delay if they become inaccurate.

In accordance with the rights conferred on you by the current legislation on Personal Data Protection, you may exercise the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition by sending your request to the postal address indicated above or by writing an email to

You may contact the competent Supervisory Authority to submit any claim you deem appropriate.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate

The SSL CERTIFICATE provides authentication, privacy and security of information between CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. and the user.

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. has an SSL security certificate in order to perform safe connections.

In this process, several parameters are established to ensure safe connections. These are made using pre-established keys, encoding and decoding all information sent until the connection is closed.

Intellectual and industrial property

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. in its own right or as a franchisee is the holder of all intellectual and industrial property rights for its webpage. In addition, all elements contained therein (by way of illustration, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, colour combinations, layout and design, selection of materials used, computer programs needed for correct operation, access and use, etc.) are held by CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. As a result, these works are protected as intellectual property by Spanish Law; in this case, both Spanish and European law in this area are applicable, as are international agreements on such matters to which Spain adheres.

All rights reserved. By virtue of what is established in the Law on Intellectual Property, the reproduction, distribution or public communication of all or part of the contents of this webpage (including the means by which they are made available) for commercial ends, in any form or by any technical means are expressly forbidden without the authorization of CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L.

The user promises to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights held by CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. Users may view the elements on the site or even print them out, copy them or store them on the hard drive of their computer or in any other physical format, as long as it is solely and exclusively for their own personal and private use. The user must abstain from erasing, altering, evading or manipulating any protective device or security system installed on CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. web pages.

Legal action, applicable legislation and jurisdiction

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. reserves the right to begin the civil or criminal proceedings which it deems appropriate due to the misuse of its website and contents thereof, or due to the breach of these terms and conditions.

The relationship between the user and the service provider shall be governed by current legislation which applies in Spanish territory. Should any dispute arise, the parties may submit their disputes to arbitration or proceed through the regular legal channels, in compliance with the applicable rules on jurisdiction and competence. The registered office of CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. is in Valencia, Spain.


In keeping with what is established in applicable regulations on the Protection of Personal Information and Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. hereby informs users that they have created a profile on the social network(s) Facebook and Instagram with the principal aim of advertising their products and services.

Information for CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L.:

  • Tax Identification number (CIF): B98898109
  • EMAIL:

The user has a profile on the same Social Network and has decided to join the page created by CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L., thus showing their interest in the information made public through the Network. By joining our page, you are authorising our use of any personal information published on your profile.

The user can access the privacy policies of the Social Network at any time, or can configure their profile so as to guarantee their privacy.

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. has access to and handles users’ public information, especially their contact name. This information is only used within the Social Network. It is not added to any sort of file.

With regard to the right to access, rectification, cancellation or opposition that you possess and that can be exercised before CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. in keeping with the RGPD, you must take into account the following:

● Right of Access: It is the right of the user to obtain information about his personal data and its treatment that has been or will be carried out, as well as the information available on the origin of mentioned data and the communications made or planned about it.

● Right of Rectification: It is the right of the affected party to modify the data that turns out to be inaccurate or incomplete. It can only be satisfied in relation to the information under the control of CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L., for example, delete comments published on our webpage, images or web content that contain personal data of the user.

● Right to Limitation of treatment: It is the right to limit the purposes of the treatment originally foreseen by the person responsible for the treatment.

● Right of Deletion: It is the right to delete the personal data of the user, with the exception of the foreseen by the RGPD or by another applicable regulations that determine the obligation to keep them, in a timely manner.

● Right of Portability: The right to receive the personal data provided by user, in a structured format, for common use and mechanical reading, and to transmit them to another person in charge.

● Right of Opposition: It is the right of the user not to carry out the processing of their personal data or to cease their treatment by CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L.

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. will perform the following actions:

  • Access public profile information.
  • Publish any information already available on the CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. web page on their user profile.
  • Send personal and individual messages through the channels of the Social Network.
  • Update the status of their page, which will be published on their user profile.

The user can always control their connections, eliminate content that ceases to interest them, and restrict who they share their connections with. In order to do so, they must access their privacy configurations.


Once they have joined the CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. page, the user will be able to post comments, links, images, photographs or any other type of multimedia content supported by the Social Network on the page. In any case, the user must have ownership over this content, they must have the authorship rights and intellectual property rights to the same, or have the consent of the affected third parties. Any content posted on the page, whether text, graphics, videos, etc. that is in violation of morality, ethics, good taste or decorum is expressly prohibited, as is any that violates intellectual or industrial property rights, image rights or the Law. Under such circumstances, CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. reserves the right to immediately remove the content, and may request that the user be permanently blocked.

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. is not responsible for any content freely published by a user.

The user must keep in mind that their posts will be viewed by other users. As a result, they are the principal person in charge of protecting their own privacy.

Images posted on the page will not be stored in any sort of file by CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L., but they will remain on the Social Network.

Contests and Promotions

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. reserves the right to organise contests and promotions that users connected to their page can take part in. When the Social Network is used for these contests and promotions, the terms and conditions will be published on the same. This will always be in compliance with the LSSI-CE and any other applicable regulations.

The Social Network does not sponsor, support or administer any of our promotions in any way, nor are they associated with any of them.


CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. will use the Social Network to advertise their products and services. In any case, if they decide to handle your contact information for direct commercial research actions, they will always do so in keeping with the RGPD and the LSSI-CE.

Recommending CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L.’s page to other users so that they too can enjoy the promotions offered therein or remain informed of its activity will not be considered publicity.

Below are the links to the Social Network’s privacy policy:

• Twitter:

• LinkedIn:

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. reserves the right to begin the civil or criminal proceedings which it deems appropriate due to the misuse of its website and contents thereof, or due to the breach of these terms and conditions.

The relationship between the user and the service provider shall be governed by current legislation which applies in Spanish territory. Should any dispute arise, the parties may submit their disputes to arbitration or proceed through the regular legal channels, in compliance with the applicable rules on jurisdiction and competence. The registered office of CLAUSTROFOBIA S.L. is in Valencia, Spain.